picThroat Pain in pregnancy 


Immunity during pregnancy is lower than in normal cases thus it becomes a bit difficult to treat throat infection during pregnancy. As too much medication can create problems for the unborn child. Though, sore throat is normal but only during pregnancy one has to be careful regarding the medication for the well being of both mother and child.

Causes of throat pain in pregnancy

Causes of a sore throat during pregnancy are due to:

1. Virus

  • The major infection of sore throats is caused by viruses, which are also the culprits for common cold and flu. Antibiotics shouldn’t be given to cure a viral infection as they are ineffective in curing viral infections.
  • Due to low immunity pregnant women are more prone to viral infections which can cause complications during pregnancy. Research has shown that viral infections can cause pre-term delivery and low birth weight in some instances.
SUGGESTIONTaking a flu shot in the beginning of the pregnancy can prevent viral infections in pregnant women.

2. Bacteria

  • Bacterial infections frequently cause a sore throat, and these can be treated with antibiotics. Strep throat is one of the common types of bacterial infections and is accompanied by a sore throat.
  • There are white spots on the back of the throat with a high fever. It should be kept in mind that it is extremely important to finish the course of antibiotics even if one feels better. Antibiotic resistance can be caused by insufficient treatment which can further lead to secondary infections.
picCauses of throat pain during pregnancy

3. Environmental irritants

  • There are several environmental irritants which can irritate the throat and nasal passages, creating a lot of discomfort. These are dry air, dust, pollen, smoke, and chemicals.
  • If any environmental irritant causes sore throat, the best way to treat it is to avoid the source of irritation. One can use a humidifier to moisten the air in the house and avoid these irritants.

4. Postnasal drip

  • When our sinuses drain, the mucus drips down the back of the throat, which is extremely irritating and can cause a chronic cough. This too can lead to a sore throat.

5. Weak immune system

  • The immune system of a pregnant mother has lesser strength to protect the baby from any attack by the mother’s body. This makes the body more susceptible to infections and thereby throat infection during pregnancy.

6. Pregnancy hormones

  • Due to fluctuating hormones, during pregnancy one experiences several oral symptoms, like dry mouth, excessive thirst, and sore throat. For this one can opt for medicated lozenges and hot beverages.    

7. Acid Reflux

  • Acid reflux disease or GERD involves esophageal burning and heartburn. Acid reflux consists of a number of symptoms, one of the secondary symptoms being a sore throat.
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Risk associated with sore throat during pregnancy

Though a sore throat isn’t extremely risky, sometimes associated problems with sore throat can be risky. Some of them are

  • Fever: The doctor should be contacted immediately if sore throat is accompanied by a fever of 100 degrees or higher. A high temperature can indicate a condition which may require medical treatment, as prolonged and elevated temperature can be harmful to the unborn baby.
  • Suspected flu:  If the sore throat is accompanied by fever, chills, and malaise then it could be the flu. Suffering from flu can be dangerous for pregnant women. Tami-flu an antiviral drug is recommended for flu during pregnancy. Pregnant women should immediately seek medication if they catch flu.
  • Rash: If a skin rash accompanies the sore throat, one should contact the doctor. This could indicate a more severe illness which requires appropriate medical treatment.
  • Strep Throat: If a sore throat comes on suddenly and severely, this could indicate a strep throat infection. Strep throat is frequently accompanied by white or red spots at the back of the throat and needs medical attention. Antibiotics can help to cure this problem during pregnancy.


  • Sore throat is common during pregnancy. Usually sore throats are caused by viral infections. If the sore throat is accompanied by coughing, sneezing, and general cold and flu symptoms, it is likely that one is suffering from a viral infection. The only way to know if one has strep throat during pregnancy is to get diagnosed by a doctor.
  • The doctor first does a general physical examination and takes a sample of the fluid from the back of the throat using a cotton swab. They will use the sample to perform a rapid strep test, which can detect the presence of group A. Streptococcus.
  • The process is fast, and one gets results within five minutes. If the test is positive the doctor starts medication immediately.


  • If there is a sore throat because of a bacterial infection, the doctor may prescribe some antibiotics.
  • The person may be given cough drops, throat sprays, or cough syrup to reduce the inflammation.
  • If the sore throat is because of acid reflux, the doctor may prescribe antacids.
CAUTIONOver-the- counter medicines shouldn’t be taken during pregnancy.


It is said ‘Prevention is better than cure.’ this can be done in the following ways

  • One should try to stay away from a person who already has a sore throat.
  • One should stay hydrated which will save from getting infected.
  • Pregnant women should wash hands properly after using public washrooms.

Sore Throat Remedies to use while Pregnant

picSore throat remedies at home during pregnancy

1. Honey and Lemon Tea: Honey soothes the throat and lemon helps in breaking down mucus that causes a sore throat. One can drink this tea 2-3 times a day. One can add honey and lemon juice in a cup of warm water, one should let it come to room temperature and then drink it.

Consuming Lemon During PregnancyLemon tea, lemonade are some of the ways of consuming Lemons during Pregnancy for various health benefits like relieving symptoms of morning sickness, constipation
Consuming Lemon During Pregnancy

2. Salt Water Gargles: Gargling with tepid salt water is one of the best ways of treating a sore throat. Warm water with salt helps in hydrating the membranes of the throat. In a glass of warm water add half a teaspoon of salt. One can gargle with salt water for about 2-3 times a day.

3. Steam Inhalation: Steam inhalation is helpful in treating the symptoms of a sore throat. Steam inhalation helps in clearing any nasal congestion.

4. Ginger Tea:  Ginger has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and is very effective in treating a sore throat. Grated ginger is added to a cup of boiling water and allowed to boil for a few minutes. Strain and let it cool down. Then one can drink it warm.

Read the article below if you prefer ginger tea with black tea powder. 

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5.Chamomile Tea: Drinking chamomile tea provides great relief from inflammation and soothes the throat. Along with fighting the bacteria it also provides relief from pain in the throat. 

6. Candy: 

Eating candy enhances the saliva formation, which in turn helps in cleansing the throat. This can help in lessening the pain during a sore throat infection. But if symptoms don’t get relieved one should immediately seek medical assistance.


Even though throat infection is common during pregnancy, following simple preventive measures can make sure to avoid the infection all together. And in case you still do get the infection, the above mentioned remedies while pregnant are your best bet. Be rest assured the baby is safe and enjoy your pregnancy.

MUSTMake sure to take recommended high quality candies
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