Are Maternity Belts Safe?

We all know that pregnancy could bring in several discomforts as it progresses. With growing belly, the uneasiness increases especially the strain on the back, and you may find some of the other alternatives to cope up with the same. 

One of the accessories that women choose or are inclined to buy is a pregnancy support belt or maternity belts     

picPregnancy Belts for back and tummy support

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Many accessories are available in the market that assures the drop-in discomfort. Some of these fancy-sounding products may be beneficial but most of them are usually waste of money.

You need to be very cautious, especially during pregnancy, while choosing any accessory as it may harm your baby if not used correctly.

There are many mixed reviews on pregnancy support belts on its advantages or benefits.

What are maternity support belts?

Maternity support belts also sometimes referred to as pregnancy belts or belly is a band that wraps around the belly and supports the belly weight.

As the name suggests this product is specially intended for pregnant woman and should not be confused with belly belt which is used to tuck in your tummy or postpartum belly bands or belts that can also be used during and after the pregnancy. 

Advantages of Maternity belts

Pregnancy belts, if used correctly can be a boon during pregnancy as it has a list of benefits in relieving the discomfort.

picTynor Maternity Belt

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1. Relieves back pain

With the progressing pregnancy, there could be an intense strain that you feel in the back. Maternity belt helps support the belly, decreasing the strain on back and relieving the discomfort.

So many pregnant woman claim to have relieve by use of these belt. As per latest research the claim seems to be valid.

2. Relieves round ligament pain

The round ligament is felt at the sides of the abdomen. It can either be felt on both sides or on either side of the abdomen. Women feel this sharp pain during early mornings, changing the sides in sleep or even during coughing and sneezing.

This is not harmful to your baby but is disturbing. Maternity belt can turn out to be a savior in this pain.

3. Relieves sacroiliac joint pain 

Sacroiliac joint (SI) is the pair of joints, one located on the right side of the pelvis and other at the left side of the pelvis.

It acts as a shock absorber for the lower part of your body. SI joint become mobile and causes pain in the third trimester as hormones act on it to loosen and stretch the connective tissues for easy labor.

Maternity belt holds it right and calms the pain.

4. Relieves hip pain

Different postures may impart pain in the hip area due to the big belly. Also, the big belly may pressurize on sciatica nerves resulting in a tingling sensation in the hip area.

The maternity belt evenly distributes the weight and minimize the pressure of the sciatica nerve, relieving the pain.

5. Helps you to perform day to day routines 

As the aim and objective of this belt are to relieve the pain, you can have your day to day work effectively without any botheration.

picOne more variety of Maternity Belt

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6. Improves posture

During the second and third trimester, hormone rush makes your muscles and ligaments lose for the easy delivery. These loose muscles may get injury due to sudden postural changes.

Maternity belt proves beneficial in this phase as it not only prevents the damage but also improves the posture.

7. Supports uterus

Pregnancy belts with light cushion helps you support your uterus and decrease the discomfort

8. Can have your pregnancy workouts

Keeping yourself in a healthy weight range is very important in pregnancy. But the pain or discomfort may restrict you for doing the same.

Maternity belts work wonders during light workouts as it takes care of the posture and support all muscles, joints and ligaments to prevent pain.

How to use maternity belt

Learn how to wear a maternity belt

  • If not used properly pregnancy belts may affect your baby. Read the directions as per the pack and follow the instructions mentioned by the brand. 
  • Optimum tightening of belt is very important. It should not be too tight as it may hinder the blood circulation and impart severe complications, and neither be too loose to work effectively in relieving the pain.

Demerits of maternity belt

  • Wearing it too tight may harm and retard the normal developmental growth of the baby as it gets very less space in the uterus
  • Even though the pregnancy belts come with stretchable inserts it does restricts your normal body movement and needs continuous readjustment.
  • If you are wearing a nice gorgeous dress and a pregnancy belt underneath, it is going to ruin the look a bit as it cannot be concealed.

So much depends on the quality of pregnancy belt; some work best while some might not. So, choosing wisely is a key takeaway.

Effectiveness of maternity support belts in reducing low back pain during pregnancy: a review. - PubMed - NCBI J Clin Nurs. 2009 Jun;18(11):1523-32. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2008.02749.x. Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't; Review; Systematic
Effectiveness of maternity support belts in reducing low back pain during pregnancy: a review. - PubMed - NCBI
The Effect of Maternity Support Garments on Alleviation of Pains and Discomforts during Pregnancy: A Systematic Review. - PubMed - NCBI J Pregnancy. 2019 Aug 1;2019:2163790. doi: 10.1155/2019/2163790. eCollection 2019.
The Effect of Maternity Support Garments on Alleviation of Pains and Discomforts during Pregnancy: A Systematic Review. - PubMed - NCBI
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